Friday, November 7, 2008

Connection on a tired day

The intense focus on working with my spirit friends seems to be making difference. Despite having had a very busy day and not feeling terribly well, I did manage to maintain a connection to squirrel (one of my main spirit friends, and what most would call my totem) on and off during the day. It didn't work any miracles -- I was still tired and distracted -- but squirrel was there with me, and I could feel it.

That said, I'm too tired right now to make a substantive blog post. Sorry!


Suzie Ridler said...

I like this small little post. It's like a "post"card peek into your magical world right now. Squirrels are fascinating. They have such personalities and are true survivors. I hope they bring you much strength while you give yourself time to breathe.

Anonymous said...

That's amazing.
I don't have the patience to work this out.
I'm sure though that somewhere on my crooked path will be a time again when I will put get closer to the Spirit world :)