Friday, January 4, 2008

101 in 1001

I have jumped on the "101 Things in 1001 Days" bandwagon. I won't be posting about that here (except when I am working towards goals that are relevant), but it has gotten me thinking about setting intentions.

I think that at this point we all have heard about "setting your intentions", and how the universe will respond. And isn't that partly what this project is about? Setting down your goals in black and white (or 1's and 0's) forces you to work out exactly what is most important, to visualize it to some extent. Exactly the same things that we are supposed to do in spellwork. I find it interesting that writing out your goals is sensible advice, while spellwork, which can be essentially the same thing (depending on your style), is a taboo practice that marks us as irrational, somehow. If magic is causing change in accordance with will* (one popular definition I have heard), then how is that different from anything else we do? Aren't we always trying to influence events in our favor by our actions? It's something to think about.

I may do a spell this week-end to support my 101 goals. If so, I will try to share it with you.

*I think there is more to it than that, but it is still useful as a starting point, if nothing else

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