Monday, September 15, 2008

Full Moon Reminder

I really need to remember to pay more attention to the moon. I just finished my full moon ritual. Rather than participating in Sacred Suzie's full moon manifestation collages this month, I decided to simply honor the moon by listening and talking and offering homage. It was -- as always -- a profoundly energizing experience. I should remember to make that connection on other nights, as well. It isn't as if she is only out one night a month!

Tonight also served to remind me how far I have strayed from those mysteries that first called me to my path. It is autumn, and I have felt the changing weather, but how much have I been touched by the slow drawing aside of the veil? To what extent have I allowed myself to be touched by those autumnal energies I am usually so keenly attuned with? Not much. I can't afford to let that continue. If I don't manage to engage in this season, commune with these mysteries, I will hardly be emotionally healthy enough to endure the winter.

I need to stop allowing myself to become so distracted from what I know is important to me.

1 comment:

Suzie Ridler said...

I think spending the evening with the full harvest moon is a fantastic way to get back into the cycle of nature. It sounds like is was a beautiful and wonderful evening. :)