Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Solstice 2008

I feel like I really ought to write about the summer solstice. I should discuss the ritual I attended and abandoned halfway through, or reflect on how odd it is that a holiday which marks the beginning of the summer is sometimes referred to as 'Midsummer', or even discuss the solitary ritual I ended up doing on my own by the fairy shrine in my backyard. But really, the only thing I have to say is that I have decided that this is not the high point of summer, as all the pagan authors would have my believe. It may be the longest day of the year, and peak of the suns journey, but things are not yet coming to fruition. This is the time to pause, reflect, and enjoy the beginning ripeness of the earth before the harvest begins in earnest in a few months.

And that's all I have to say about the summer solstice.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you didn't have a good solstice this year. I think it's kind of an in between one (well not just mid summer) but Beltane and Lammas are always more meaningful to me I think. This summer I was so excited the sun finally decided to come out shortly before solstice that we were all excited with welcoming summer! Blessings and sunshine!

Suzie Ridler said...

Well said. It is odd that the beginning of summer is referred to as "mid". I've always wondered about that. It sounds as though your ritual didn't go so well with others. I hope you enjoyed the one you did on your own.

This summer is having such an odd effect on me. It's making me retreat and hibernate. So weird!

Anonymous said...

Indeed! Our coven celebrated the beginning of summer, cuz as Amy mentioned, the sun truly just decided to make her appearance around that time.