Monday, June 2, 2008

Divination as spritual anchor

With spring and now early summer pulling me every which way, I've been having some trouble staying spiritually centered. I want to go out there and *do* things, and there is so much to do! But I know that I need to maintain some sense of internal reflection, as well. To that end I find myself doing far more divination than usual.

I find divination to be very centering. It forces me to sit down and think about a question. Then there is the wonderful tactile sensation as my hand swims through the runes, churning that ancient mystery of wonder. Once the tiles are cast, I have to look at the patterns and look within, to see how they correspond to where I am as the querrant. Do they tell me something I already know, deep down? Perhaps they reveal a new way of looking at the issue. Or sometimes they are simply a mystery, which I interpret to mean that I either asked the wrong question, or am not meant to know the answer.

Lately, the runes have been confirming my suspicions. Now I just need to put that knowledge into practice!

1 comment:

Suzie Ridler said...

It is that time of the cycle to divine, isn't it? It's hard when you can't see the answer or maybe it just isn't there. My cards have been saying the same stuff forever and have only recently transitioned this new moon. I hope that you find the right question and answer soon, as well as time to get grounded. I know my life has been upside lately too with the energy of summer finally finding me. It's wonderful and hard all at the same time.